Jacoline Loewen

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ICD Event Takeaways: Critical Board Roles in the Face of a Business Failure

Recently, I had the opportunity to attend and co-host a great ICD event: Critical Board Roles in the Midst of a Business Failure. We had some fantastic speakers, and featured Randall Howard, a serial technology entrepreneur and investor focused on growth and change in startups and social ventures. 

“As a director, apply your duty of care and due diligence. Engage with challenges, and help develop a Plan B that’s better than the cliff that the company is going to run over.” 

Here are some of my top takeaways:

  • As an investor, you have a strong incentive to make things happen.

  • As an independent director, your goal: Balance among all of these types of roles and stakeholders of the company, including founding management, investors and independents to get good decisions and stakeholder management. 

How do I get involved in one of these companies? 

  • 1st: As a director, look for A players that you can work with. The key is to assess the capability and the coachability of the key founders.

  • 2nd: Ask the 2-3 questions you wished you had asked down the road. It’s about finding key elements that are going to matter in fast-moving, hyper-complex environments.

  • In terms of governance, start slow and improve systems over time, increasing your technological view. 

  • Have a whole stack view of risk: understand the technology from bottom to business strategy, understand the cost of cybersecurity analysis. 

    • The best way to build a risk management framework is to evaluate future scenarios. Key areas are operational: sales, marketing, execution. 

    • Keep a smaller, highly-targeted risk list vs a large, overarching one. 
